Mentira was introduced to Isla Animals from a woman with the classic dog rescue key words of “Soooo, there is this dog”. The woman said Alison told her she would take the dog, no problem at all. Problems arose when everyone discovered Alison never talked this woman and the dog since had 9 puppies. Soooo we had this beautiful but scared mom with nine babies whose eyes were still shut. Mentira in Spanish is lie or fib. BUT, maybe it was meant to be that Isla Animals was there to help. We decided that we would name all 9 pups terms of endearment in Spanish because we all fell in love with Mentira’s baby’s. Learn a little Spanish and take a look at Mentira’s beautiful pups – Chulo, Sueno, Bonito, Amor, Vida, Nena,Chiquita, Luz and Dulce.
UPDATE: Soon all of the 9 pups will be adopted. Mentira had a loving family for a few days but the landlord said no to the family having another dog. So sad but now Mentira is at Isla Animals ready to meet people and find her fur-ever home. She is just a happy love who wants her belly rubbed and to be with people. Let’s help this sweetheart get a home of her own. Please consider adopting.