Sushi is a beautiful young momma we picked up when we went out trapping dogs before our November Spay and Neutere campaign. The neighbors told us she “was pregnant the week before” she was so skinny we couldn’t imagine this poor doggie taking care of puppies. We started looking around and realized she must have puppies in this abandoned ruin overgrown with jungle and plastered with trash, so we got to looking in there and we found her babies!
They all came together to Isla Animals Oasis and were doing good for a week or so until sushi started showing serious signs of giardia and so did her babies. No surprise living in the trash and drinking dirty water. We worked very hard to get mommy into shape and make sure the babies were safe. Sadly, only one of her babies made it.
Sushi is playful, loves attention, loves food and she is the most beautiful sweet dog ever!
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