
Visit with our pets ready for adoption. Come meet your perfect match today!


Staying on Isla Mujeres for awhile? We always need foster parents!


Every little bit counts! Only with your help can this wonderful work continue.


Walk a dog and play with the pups! We always welcome volunteers

Puppies ready for their forever home


Donation Wish List

You can find a full list of non-medical and medical supplies on our Donate page.

Things that are always in need: collars-especially sizes small & medium, leashes, doggy poop bags for our volunteer dog walkers, flea/tick medication, flea/tick shampoo, toys, food bowls, and airline approved carriers and crates of all sizes. And any kind of dog food (puppy or adult!).

Be sure to visit our Wish List on 

Welcome to Isla Animals OASIS!
After the local government of Isla Mujeres reclaimed the space they had given us as a shelter in 2015, we were left as abandoned as the dogs we rescued. Without the little support we had from them, we were worried we couldn’t continue as we didn’t have a space to house our dogs… and then magic happened, Isla Animals Oasis was born and today, even though we are not finished, we are working day and night to make this the permanent future of IA…. a place that no one can take away from the animals that need it the most!

Donate here: GOFUNDME campaign

Isla Animals started building a shelter for abandoned and street animals in May 2023 after the local government of Isla Mujeres evicted the ONLY animal wellbeing organization on the island. The need is NOW, we cannot wait till we can fundraise the whole amount we need. But we have come up with ways to save money by doing a lot of the work ourselves. Walls are coming up and the dream is becoming a reality… loads of hard work but it’s so worth it!
We broke records in 2023, adopting out dogs, sterilizing, and rescuing from the streets! Every day we are presented with more and more cases and without the space, we cannot receive any of these cases… We will make it happen (WE HAVE!), whatever the challenge, cause we believe in what we do, we are passionate about the animals and have seen how much reach Isla Animals can have. Get involved in Isla Animals OASIS and the bright future our little rescue has ahead of us. Visit Isla Animals Blog.
Since 2001 Isla Animals Rescue has been fighting to rescue and sterilize the street dogs of the island and surrounding areas. We’ve worked tirelessly for decades to offer free services to the community and to offer government-like services (there are no government programs for animals or humane society here). We operate solely on donations. By forcing us out of our location, they’re stopping us from the work that we do for free.

Click here for more information and to make a donation.

Together we can make a BIG DIFFERENCE!

Check out what we are doing…

Pound vs Isla Animals
Pound vs Isla Animals

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RIFA con causa por Pimienta!

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Thank you for your support – your help make our work possible!