23 dogs made it to their FURever homes in July!!!!
Another month has gone by and we got a lot of doggies out!! These are the heartwarming stories of July 2021. Congratulations to everybody that has taken an Isla pup home! And thank you to all donors and volunteers!
Sky was super lucky and we found her a flight angel and a new family that is just perfect! She is bringing lots of smiles to her new mom and we love to see her growing smart and fun! Happy life Sky!!!

Zuma (now Zara)
Zara was the last one of her siblings to leave and she found a perfect family! She is so much loved and spoiled, just as she deserves! We were delighted to see her go to her new mom!

Jilly came from the island, one of those unwanted litters. We did get to sterilize her mommy! But for her we found a great placement in Minneapolis. Go girl!

Lovy (now Belle)
Lovy was as her name suggests, a love bug. No surprise her family fell in love with her and her furry looks! We love seeing her happy and loved, we couldn’t have hoped for anything else!!!

River (now Frida)
Isla’s mom came to get her all the way from Canada and it was a perfect match! Now she roams around Toronto with her cute ears and beautiful looks! Thanks Patricia!
Splash (now Simba)
Simba has such a unique look… like a little tiger! He was always outgoing and such a fun puppy! Now he keeps charming everyone with his look and goofiness! So happy for little Simba!
Kyle made it all the way to Canada and he had an awesome adventure! We were so happy to see him go home. He was a very special boy!!!
Rower (now Paco)
Paco’s mom fall in love with him when she came to the shelter to drop donations and we were delighted to see him going home with her! He has the best personality and he is now part of a fun pack right there where he belongs!

Arun (now Churro)
Churro was the smallest and cutest boy! He made it to the US where he is now spoiled and living the good life full of love!!!

Salty made it to Minneapolis where our good friends from Mutt Mutt Engine found her a loving home as he deserved.
Bay (now Ceiba)
Ceiba’s mom just fell in love with her when she met her at the shelter. Sometimes that happens! And we were delighted to make it work for her to take this precious little baby home!!!
Ava’s mom fell in love with her in a blink and who wouldn’t? She is a ball of fur and cuddles! Ava lives now in New York and we know she’s enjoying the good life!

Surf and Wavy
Surf and Wavy live in the same town, loved and spoiled by two friends that were very lucky to get them at the same time. Thank you beautiful flight angels for bringing them to their furever homes! We are happy to know these two get play dates!
Adena (now Isla)
Isla is having the time of her life with her new family in Canada. Exactly what we most desire for all our doggies! Go be awesome Adena!

Aster (now Chico)
Chico is such a cute boy! We were delighted to send him to his new family in Seattle and found the best fight angels for him.
He is now exploring a whole new world and charming everyone with his sweet look. What a lucky puppy!
Ace (now Roo)
Roo has the most beautiful and disarming eyes. He now lives in Seattle and has a cute little brother. He is smart and funny and has a chilled personality. We hope you’ll be forever loved Roo!!!
Sunny made it to Portland and her family is in love with her! She is smart and learning, and overall seems she has found her place in the world!

Freckles (now Isla) and Spark
Isla and Spark went home and what an adventure they went through! Andrew, Elvira and their family came looking for Freckles but they absolutely fell in love with Spark, and they were determined to make it home! So we were very happy to help out whatever the world would throw our way: delayed and canceled flights, dogs chewing through bags, and annoying airline clerks. Yes!
They finally made it home and now they have a crazy story to tell for these 2 special dogs. While Isla had always melted hearts, we couldn’t have hoped for better for Spark, a surrender puppy that had spent months tied to a chair in the street. He’s now blossoming and loved!
Onyx was the lucky boy that went to a family member of one of our favorite flight angels! It didn’t take long for her mom to fall for his charms and cute puppy face. He made it home to Minnesota and we can’t wait to see how beautiful he becomes!
Tansy made it to Minneapolis and she is waiting now to find her perfect family! Such a sweet girl! We know our friends there will find her the best place ever!!

Ricky was the first Westie to go home. We know he has found his forever spot and will never miss cuddles and sweetness. He was the most sensitive and shy of the Westies and we are so happy to know he’s with the manager of a rescue who fell in love with him!
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